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Membership Info
Membership Info
Membership Info















In this section, you will find detailed information about our Organization, its Officers, Constitution, Membership Roster and other topics related to the operation of the Hobbyists Unlimited.




How to became a Member


Any retired or semi-retired male residents of the Ridgewood area who recognize a personal interest in the activities of the Hobbyists and have a desire to participate in them can apply for membership. A current Member must sponsor the new applicant.

The candidate for membership shall submit to the Membership Committee a completed application form signed by a sponsoring member and an application fee equivalent to yearly dues. A sponsoring member may have only one prospective member under his sponsorship at a time. A new member may not sponsor a prospective member until he has held full membership for twelve months.

On making this payment he shall be entitled to participate in all Hobbyists activities except voting at membership meetings. Application fees submitted before September 1 will be considered as dues for the current year. If submitted after September 1, the application fee will constitute dues for the current year and the following year.

An applicant will be inducted into the Organization when he will have attended three business meetings and at that time he will receive a membership card.

For more details, see the Constitution.

If you are interested to became a member, you can read the New Member Package HERE. You can also see and download the application form HERE.



Membership Dues


Members pay annual dues until reaching 90 years of age when they are made Life Members and no longer pay dues. Dues currently are $50 per year. A $10 penalty will be imposed if unpaid before Dec 6.



Last Updated: October 2019