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The Hiking Club meets every Tuesday at 8:15 at the Parking lot of Graydon Pool in Ridgewood. From there we car pool to different locations in NJ and NY. There is normally a 5 - 8 mile regular hike plus a 3 mile flex hike. Everyone is invited to attend.
The club chairman is: Ed Collins 445-5158




Hiking News



Hike of the Week December 3, 2019

Following planned hike is cancelled due to weather. We will try again next week.

C-5 Garret Mountain Reservation (Woodland Park NJ)

Option 2: This hike follows the yellow and white marked trails around the perimeter of the Reservation. Total distance about 5 miles and has some uphills and downhill sections. Maybe taken in either direction from the parking lot. Flex hikers may walk the road or a shorter distance on the marked trails. Map will be available at Graydon.

Directions: Take the Garden State Parkway South to the exit for I-80 West which is in the far right lane and after the toll plaza. Take I-80 West to Squirrelwood Road. Follow the signs for Squirrelwood Road, Woodland Park. At the end of the ramp turn left, cross over the highway bearing left and you’ll be onSquirrelwood Road (which soon becomes Rifle Camp Road). Proceed about 0.8 miles. Immediately before a gas station (on the right), there will be a roadway (on the left) at the end of a reservoir (a green army tank is hidden by the trees is on the corner). Turn left into that roadway and proceed left up the hill for a short distance to the entrance to Garret Mountain Reservation which is on the right (at the sign). Turn right into Benson Drive and follow it a short distance to a fork in the road (you can only bear right). Follow the road (now one way) around past another entrance to the Reservation to a parking area on the left opposite a stone tower that can be seen up hill through the trees. Parking is in the lot on the left.

If you miss the turn by the tank, go on up the road for about a half mile to a T intersection on the left. Opposite that intersecting road is a traffic sign indicating Rt. 46 is on to the south and Rt. I-80 to the north. Turn left on to this road and proceed up hill to the other entrance to the Reservation mentioned above.





Previous Events




Last year's fall hike/lunch with spouses was held on September 22. Walk was on the Heritage Trail from Goshen, and lunch was at Limoncello at the Orange Inn, also in Goshen. It was a great day for walking followed by a great meal.

The 2019 trip to the Catskill Mountains was in early October. We had a great stay at the Villa Vosilla and 3 days of hiking in not so great weather.




Last Updated: December 2019