Camera Club
Camera Club


Camera Club


Camera Club


Camera Club

Trips & Tours

Camera Club


Camera Club


Camera Club

Contact Us

Camera Club
Camera Club
Camera Club




Meeting Presentations


Assignments & PFT






The Camera Club meets once a month on the first Wednesday of the month at 2:00p in the Church Auditorium. Throughout the year, Photo Field Trips to a variety of locations/events are also scheduled.
Each meeting usually covers photography subjects and photo management/editing on the computer.

Members also work on a variety of assignments and their submissions are presented and analyzed at the meeting. No prior experience is required to became a member.

The club chairman is: Giancarlo Bisone 201-983-3015




Camera Club Meetings




The last Camera Club meeting was held om November 6, 2019 and attended by 31 Members.

Items discussed during the meeting were Computational Photography and a trip report to Churchill, Canada by Bert Taylor..

The next Camera Club Meeting is scheduled for
Wednesday December 4, 2019.

For the whole month of November 2018, 22 members of our Camera Club exhibited some of their best work in the Auditorium of the Ridgewood Public Library.

All together, 44 photos in a variety of formats were shown.

To see the list of exhibitors and the title of the photos shown click HERE.





The Hobbyists Camera Club has celebrated its 10 birthday!

Thanks to all the members for their continued support.




2019 Photo Contest


After receiving a record high 356 votes from 120 Members and a review of the top 11 photos during the March 2019 Camera Club Meeting the winners of this year Photo Contest were selected.
The winners are:

1st place TOM HEED (Lighthouse)

2nd place GIANCARLO BISONE (Ready to fly)

3nd place WAYNE ROSS (Cinque Terre)

Hon. Mention JACK ROSENBERG (Ospreys)

Hon. Mention STEVE BASCH (Duck)

If interested, you can see the winning photos and the other finalists simply by clicking HERE. As you can see, the difference in total votes in many cases was quite small.

Congratulations to all the winners!



Last Updated: November 2019