The Gourmet Cooking Club
The Gourmet Cooking Club


The Gourmet Cooking Club


The Gourmet Cooking Club


The Gourmet Cooking Club

Trips & Tours

The Gourmet Cooking Club


The Gourmet Cooking Club


The Gourmet Cooking Club

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The Gourmet Cooking Club
The Gourmet Cooking Club
The Gourmet Cooking Club



For those men who like to cook, this group meets twice a year to prepare a 4-6 course meal with wine pairing included. Each member of the group is required to prepare his selected dish to comply with the dinner theme, such as French, German, Italian, etc.

Members of the group volunteer their homes for 6-8 members with the host responsible for the main entrée. A small fee is collected for the wine selections. The cost of each course is the responsibility of that cook.

The club chairman is Jim McKeown 327-3411




The Gourmet Cooking Club News


The next Gourmet Cooking event will be in May 2020.

Location and the event theme TBD.


The last Gourmet Cooking Event took place Wednesday, November 20 at the Home of Hobbyist Jim Atieh.

Nine Hobbyists attended and cooked all dishes described below.

This was known as the Beef Wellington Event:                                        

Artichoke Squares & Mushroom Tarts
Demonstration on preparing the Beef and Pastry Casing by Host, Jim Atieh
           Served with Sparkling White Italian Wine                                    

First Course
Eggplant Parmigiana  with Homemade Red Pizza/Marinara Sauce                                        

Roasted Beets with Candied Pecans, Pears, Goat Cheese, & Mescaline

Beef Wellington
Roasted Finger Potatoes & Herb Roasted tri-color Carrots
First, Salad, & Entree Served with B&V Cabernet

Ricotta Cheese Cake
Triple Chocolate Trifle
(as Served in the King's Court of Cunard's 'Queen Mary 2')
Coffee, Tea, Port Wine