Movie Lovers Club
Movie Lovers Club


Movie Lovers Club


Movie Lovers Club


Movie Lovers Club

Trips & Tours

Movie Lovers Club


Movie Lovers Club


Movie Lovers Club

Contact Us

Movie Lovers Club
Movie Lovers Club



The Movie Lovers Club meets once a month, on the second Tuesday, in the Senior Lounge, first floor of the Ridgewood Village Hall at 1:30pm. We will watch little-known but excellent movies.
Everyone is invited to attend.

The club chairman is: Dick Oswald 447-4053




Movie Lovers Club News



The next Movie Lovers Club meetings is scheduled on Tuesday DECEMBER 10, 2019 at 1:30pm in the Senior Lounge, on the first floor of the Ridgewood Village Hall.

The movie we are going to watch is "The Seventh Seal" starring Max von Sydow, Gunnar Björnstrand, and Bibi Andersson.
Directed by Ingmar Bergman (1957, 96 min.).




Returning exhausted from the Crusades to find medieval Sweden gripped by the Plague, a knight suddenly comes face-to-face with the hooded figure of Death, and challenges him to a game of chess.

As the fateful game progresses, and the knight and his squire encounter a gallery of outcasts from a society in despair, Bergman mounts a profound inquiry into the nature of faith and the torment of mortality.

One of the most influential films of its time, The Seventh Seal is a stunning allegory of man’s search for meaning and a work of stark visual poetry.











Last movie watched:




Last Updated: November 2019